Friday, March 6, 2009

jumbled friday morning thoughts

Last night was not a good night. I left the stinking carcass of the day job - about which the less said the better but let me merely opine that an incompetent supervisor on muscle relaxers does not a good day make - and encountered immediate unpleasantness in the form of traffic in every shape and every direction. [Question: Why are they always building things on the very street I happen to need to take? The orange cones and red lights and some person with a hard-hat and a beard holding a "slow sign"? Madness.] I worked my way to the local grocers to purchase something with which to consume for dinner. It all lay before me so simply, what I wanted: a nice quiet dinner of noodles and bread, a beer or three, and some creative time with which to work on new songs. After collecting my required items I entered the Rapid Check Line. I waited for frustrating duration while an old lady with a long white scraggle-hair on her chin ruminated out loud about mustards. The clerk, a buffoon in a green apron sadly, smiled and engaged with the old lady even though I was standing there, clearly in a hurry.(After all, it is called the express lane! Hello!?) I coughed into my fist thinking it might accelerate matters. But no, an analysis of stone-ground versus dijon versus Irish mustard unfolded before me. Fascinating. Not.

I pulled into parking lot of the apartment complex that I call home (8 units) and found that the creepy neighbors on the end who seem to think they're still in freshman year at the community college thought it might be fun to have a party - for what occasion I know not - and blast house music at eardrum-shattering volumes despite it being a Thursday and that some people around here need to work in the morning. Whooping and hollering and thumping basslines are the bean of my existence. This thumping and revelry continued as I prepared my noodles in the kitchen, as I consumed them at the table, and, most disturbingly, as I grabbed my guitar and began to strum. I couldn't even hear my own strumming! I didn't get to work on my new song ideas. In fact I hardly slept. Ugh.

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