Greetings and sun salutations to you my blog-reading audience! It's the kind of morning where the dew covers the mist-strewn flowers and birds buzz around your head like tiny bumblebees. Can you feel it? Where a energy shake of fish parts and gumdrops sounds like just the ticket! (note to self: what does that mean exactly?!) In any case, no more asides or exclusions. I am high on caffeine and today the day job is humming along, if not exactly at a razor's edge, then maybe a mild to lowgrade sort of clip. You follow?
For awhile I've been hearing about some band that makes songs about little british chimney sweeps and victorian women in corsets. This is the sort of band that does a lot of prancing onstage and also gurgling and has a lot of costume changes. Steve Coggins (Accounts) keeps telling me - ever since he heard my song last week - that I would absolutely love them. Yesterday he brought me a copy of their newest offering and I listened on the drive home. Can I tell you something? I don't get it!!!!! It reminds me of the AV club in high school, who the whole school mocked mercilessly. (Now granted I was in the AV club but still...). Plus the singer uses a lot of words that force you to draw attention at him. I don't get that. Not sure what the lesson is here. Probably to stop listening to Steve Coggins.
This is April 1, 2009 and it is time to enjoy things!
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