Prepare to be punched ladies and gentlemens! A punch of the sort that hits your throat and windpipes so you can't do much but stagger backward into a store display of canned peas and corn, knocking it backward, cans a-twirlin' because you can't freaking believe it. Yes, that's the kind of punch that Thursday is delivering to me with a ruthless power. For some reason I have been travelling down well-traveled corridors of ancient memories and lost loves and women I slept with but who don't sleep with me (or near me) any longer. Why!? This is a question that I can't answer. I did my best to provide a sturdy structure of love to hang my jacket on so that bliss could erupt and flower, like so many erupting flowers in the dew. But, sigh, no, it was not to be. Can somebody explain to me - please - why certain people choose to love you and how certain people get as far away as they can from you? I am beginning to take it personally.
Oh, what a bother. I should probably just let this all go. I mean frankly it's been many a moon since anyone chose to lay their head near me (and no, my 3 nights in County jail are not in this equation) and I find myself wondering 'how come' and also 'why'?. I have many things to give and provide to the table. Where love is concerned I am a waiter with a silver platter and a towlette draped over my arm, bringing juice glasses flowing with palate cleansers and light sparkling wines to a bounty of women but they are all ignoring me, choosing instead to tear into their pork loins and potatoes with a carnivorous and animal-like oblivion. Hey Ladies! Don't forget who is here to serve you! Like you've never gotten served before!!!
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