Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Further Entanglements with She-Yeti: Tickles

Hello glorious buttery readership! here again we find ourselves at the outskirts of something ephemeral and quicksilvery, not unlike an herb glaze over a pot roast, and that is, no surprise: another of my blog posts! There are so many lovely things to begin to address but I don't know where to begin.

Let's begin here, with a sentence that will befoul and besmirch your sense of what's possible in this land: I am now friends with She-Yeti on facebook. That is mother-effing correct. I don't know how on earth she found me but she did. Now I will confess here to a slight internal adjument to my inner feelings, call them my micro-sensors, because the She-Yeti in reality (ie Facebook) is a different beast than in my fantasy (ie, dreams/fantasy).

Don't misinterpret me here, she is no less beautiful because she is most definitely still not like anything that I've seen. Ever. But her tone is very playful and aggressive, almost angry-agressive not quite the tender and gentle person (do I say person for a yeti?) that I mated with in my dreams. For a spell I considered that it might not even be her but one of her sisters, cousins, or friends (do all female yeti go by the handle She-Yeti? It can't be answered) but then I came to finally understand this: her public persona had to be coarser so that she could hide the very nature of what occured between us. When two people come together and don't want to announce it to the world they use trickery to pretend like they aren't madly in love. That is what she's doing.

Oh bliss!!! Can I tell you that I am soaring again? I am like the ostrich, flapping wings madly through puffy clouds, squawking and chirping at the fullest capacity of my wing-span, and if you held a translator chip up to my beak you would hear this: I am so mother-effing in love America! So in love am I!!!!

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