Dear Taffy fans, you've probably suspected as much because I have been slightly silent in the moments that suceeded and came after my last blog post. When there is a silence you might wonder Is everything okay with Taffy? or you might wonder I wonder what Taffy's up to? or you might not wonder about a thing at all except the beer in your hand and the woman on your mind and I want to be up front with you that any and all of those selections are alright in my book. But, here it, without further ado and a drumroll to announce it: I am soaking in the salty brine that is my depression-marinade.
Part of this began the other night watching more Sex and the City. (Is it me or is Carrie sometimes acting like a diva? Why won't she just cling to Aiden like the handy fixit man he is who can redo her floors without blinking? note: rhetorical) While watching all these ladies trot around for cocktails and footgear I found an immense cavern opening inside of me that no amount of alcohol or Turkey poppers could fill: I realized I am for the most part a friendless man. This made me so sad I wanted to tell someone but when I realized there was nobody at all to inform of this it reinforced the original point I presented to you.
Now what? I am deep inside a slimy hole, grasping at the muck and murk just trying to pull myself up and out and back up out of the marinade. Where do you turn when you have no one to turn on? With all this crashing against my head I made the grave error of taking the #16 bus down to Safeway to reinforce my foodstuffs and drinkstuffs and saw a street person sitting there alone at the back. My first thought (after 'what is that smell?') was Here is a potential friend for life so I went counter to logic and instinct and sat next to him.
I took a chance.
I went for it.
I said "Evening, I'm Taffy".
A moment went by. Then another.
The man looked at me up and down as if he was sizing me up
or seeing who would win in a wrestling competition and
then with no warning, shot up
and walked to the front of the bus.
I heard him lean down the bus driver and say "Freak at the back"
and then exit.
Oh woe! The Marinade is a bubblin'!!!!
World, notice me!
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