Monday, July 6, 2009

Holy Crapola: The Artist Thinks Aloud

Dear sweet gummy-bear textured and sweet and delicately wonderful blog-reading audience, hello!! My thoughts have begun to gush like so many underwater geysers, spraying steam and heat and steam-heat and I am afraid at times that the parameters of what contains my mind has a minor tear or perforation and that I can no longer be contained. It's frightening but also wonderful! This is what it is to be an artist.

Right now I am having a mother-effing love affair with this thing we call America. So sweet and tender and soft but also delicate. This is a fragile thing with tiny shoots and buds, not fully yet grown, but we continue to celebrate the majestic nature of it on every July 4th! This is the day, you'll recall from history's annals, that the Constituition was caesarian-sectioned out of the collective birth-canal of the fore-fathers. Can I be fully honest with you? I get a little moist around the eyeballs ever year around this time. This effing country allows me to be me and me to be you. I can dream and think and say whatever I want! I can walk up to you in the supermarket and start spouting song lyrics or my private thoughts and guess what, you can't do a effing thing about it, because this the American Dream!!!

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